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Translations of specialised technical manuals or instructions

Technical authors require the highest possible quality translation of their text and when translating technical manuals or instructions our first priority is choosing the right translator with the industry-specific knowledge and experience.  Most industries have their own specific lexicon of language and conventions in the way in which they describe their particular technologies.  The team at Technical Translations takes account of the industry sector and the target audience of the translated text when picking which of our translators is the most suitable based on a combination of language and industry knowledge.  We only work with professional translators who translate consistently in a particular technical field and because we have spent years as a specialist technical translation business we have established longstanding relationships with clients ranging widely from industrial lasers to early-years education.  A vital element of technical writing is the layout of text for print or other forms of publication; be it online, via interactive CD or traditional print.  In addition to providing high quality technical translation, we also produce print-ready translated materials with a full Desk Top Publishing (DTP) capability including all major DTP and publishing-for-print software tools.
For a quick, free, online quote for your translation project click here